That's not my Neighbor

Grandpa & Granny 4


In Grandpa & Granny 4, players find themselves in a nerve-wracking hide-and-seek scenario within the eerie confines of a decrepit old house. The game reintroduces the notorious duo, Grandpa and Granny, known for their sinister disposition towards intruders. This installment ramps up the intensity with more complex environments and cleverer traps set by the elderly couple. Players must use stealth and quick thinking to explore the house, uncover hidden keys, and solve light environmental puzzles to unlock the path to freedom.


In Grandpa & Granny 4, players find themselves in a nerve-wracking hide-and-seek scenario within the eerie confines of a decrepit old house. The game reintroduces the notorious duo, Grandpa and Granny, known for their sinister disposition towards intruders. This installment ramps up the intensity with more complex environments and cleverer traps set by the elderly couple. Players must use stealth and quick thinking to explore the house, uncover hidden keys, and solve light environmental puzzles to unlock the path to freedom.

Strategic Survival in a Hostile Home

Gameplay centers on the player’s ability to move silently through the house without attracting the attention of grandparents. Each level provides plenty of hiding places and dark corners where players can take cover for a moment. Compounding the problem is the fact that both enemies have unique behaviors and patterns; Grandpa is slower but can hear better, while Grandma moves faster but can’t see as well. Players must adapt their strategies accordingly, distracting themselves and carefully calculating their movements to avoid detection.

Unraveling Mysteries While Under Threat

As players progress through Grandpa & Granny 4, they encounter various clues and objects that gradually reveal the backstory of the menacing couple and the secrets of the house. The narrative unfolds through found documents, photographs, and other eerie remnants of the house’s dark past. The tension of being hunted adds to the urgency of piecing together these elements, providing a rich, immersive experience that balances the thrill of the chase with the satisfaction of solving a larger mystery.

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That's not my Neighbor