That's not my Neighbor

The Baby In Yellow


In The Baby In Yellow, players take on the role of a babysitter who finds themselves caring for an unusual child in a seemingly ordinary apartment. As the days progress, it becomes apparent that this is no regular babysitting gig. The baby exhibits strange behaviors and unsettling abilities that defy natural explanations. Tasks that should be simple, like feeding and changing the baby, become fraught with inexplicable occurrences and challenges, pushing players to question the nature of their charge.


In The Baby In Yellow, players take on the role of a babysitter who finds themselves caring for an unusual child in a seemingly ordinary apartment. As the days progress, it becomes apparent that this is no regular babysitting gig. The baby exhibits strange behaviors and unsettling abilities that defy natural explanations. Tasks that should be simple, like feeding and changing the baby, become fraught with inexplicable occurrences and challenges, pushing players to question the nature of their charge.

Escalating Tensions and Unpredictable Encounters

Each night in the game introduces new elements of suspense and increasing difficulty. The apartment, initially a mundane setting, gradually reveals its peculiarities through unusual events and phenomena centered around the baby. Players must navigate these challenges while fulfilling their babysitting duties, which grow more complex and bizarre. The game cleverly uses familiar domestic tasks, subverting them into engaging mechanics that keep players on edge, wondering what surreal twist will next disrupt the routine of childcare.

Unveiling the Secrets of The Baby In Yellow

As players delve deeper into their babysitting stint, they begin to uncover clues that hint at a darker backstory involving the baby and the apartment. Objects and documents scattered throughout the environment provide pieces of a larger, more sinister puzzle. The challenge lies not only in managing the immediate dangers presented by the baby’s disturbing abilities but also in piecing together the story behind its mysterious powers. The gameplay balances action-driven tasks with the investigative aspect, creating a compelling narrative that drives players to explore every corner of the game’s environment.

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That's not my Neighbor