That's not my Neighbor

The Backrooms


In The Backrooms, players are thrust into an ethereal maze that defies the norms of physical space. This game captures the essence of the internet myth where one wrong step in reality can lead you into an infinite expanse of outdated, eerie hallways and rooms that never seem to end. Each player starts their unexpected journey trapped in these bland, yellowed corridors, surrounded by the constant buzz of old fluorescent lights and a lingering musty odor, setting the stage for a surreal exploration.


In The Backrooms, players are thrust into an ethereal maze that defies the norms of physical space. This game captures the essence of the internet myth where one wrong step in reality can lead you into an infinite expanse of outdated, eerie hallways and rooms that never seem to end. Each player starts their unexpected journey trapped in these bland, yellowed corridors, surrounded by the constant buzz of old fluorescent lights and a lingering musty odor, setting the stage for a surreal exploration.

Mastering Survival Amidst Monotony

The game’s central challenge revolves around navigating an ever-changing labyrinth without a clear exit. The levels are sprawling, with each turn and door potentially leading to a slightly altered duplicate of the previous space, from abandoned office blocks frozen in time to neglected, moldy utility areas that hint at decades of decay. Players must carefully manage their resources, ensuring they have enough water and mental clarity to avoid the psychological break that the environment might impose.

Unnerving Encounters and Evolving Threats

As players delve deeper into this mysterious dimension, they confront various unsettling entities that roam the corridors. Each entity has a distinct set of behaviors, some skulking in the shadows, while others might aggressively pursue intruders. The game’s dynamic AI crafts a tailored experience for each player, with entities reacting in real-time to player strategies, thus requiring quick thinking and even quicker reflexes to survive these chilling encounters.

A Test of Psychological Fortitude

The Backrooms goes beyond physical survival; it is an intense psychological experience. The unending monotony of the environment, combined with the suspense of unexpected threats and the absence of a clear escape, creates a compelling atmosphere of tension and dread. Players must strategize their paths, conserve their sanity, and prepare for the psychological trials that this otherworldly space presents. The stark, repetitive interiors and subtle, ambient soundscapes enhance the feeling of isolation, making each moment in the game a deep dive into both the unknown and oneself.

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That's not my Neighbor